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  • HighQC™ 人牙髓干细胞HDPSC

HighQC™ 人牙髓干细胞HDPSC


价格: ¥询价

1 vial
数量: - +
  • HighQC™ 人牙髓干细胞HDPSC
产品描述/Products Description

Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells, hDPSC (hDPSCs, DPSC),hDPSCs (Human Dental Pulp Stromal cells) contain Mesenchymal Stem cells having multipotent /pluripotent properties. The cells are able to differentiate into osteogenic, adipogenic, chondrogenic and neuronal cells or tissues. The pulp tissue used to receive the DPSCs are isolated from vital teeth, mainly from Third Molars expressing large pulp cavum or incomplete root development from young donors (age from 15 to 30 years). Following enzymatic digestion and isolation via adherence the DPSCs are being deep frozen in Passage 2 or 3 . DPSCs have been shown to be applicable in regenerative medicine (Defective surgery, traumatology);pharmacological tests comparative stem cell research basic research with respect to cell based therapy in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson, MS or in coronary diseases feeder layer cells for hHSCs and hES.Tested for absence of contaminations such as Mycoplasma, Bacteria and Funghi.Tested positive for the Stem cell marker CD73, CD90 and CD105.Tested negative for HLA-DR. Tested for absence of HIV, HBV und HCV.The stem cells are readily adherent and can be subcultured at least 10 times.
